Creativity Coaching

As a creativity coach, I work with people to help them pursue their creative passions.

Our sessions may involve focusing on:

  • Surfacing from being a shadow artist
  • Learning how to sustain a productive focus on your creative pursuits.
  • Working to move your creative pursuits forward
  • If you are stuck or stopped, how to get going again.
  • Avoiding self-deception and self-defeating behavior patterns.
  • Resolving ongoing dilemmas in pursuing your creative passions.
  • Making the right lifestyle choices and balance to keep your creativity flowing.

Maybe you have always wanted to express yourself in a particular creative medium…writing, drawing, painting, photography, animation, comics, graphic arts, sculpture, pottery, repurposed art, singing, playing music, dance, theatre, inventions or by some other means but you haven’t.

Maybe you used to engage in some creative pursuit but because of life’s busy currents or a discouraging narrative you moved away from it.

However, if your desire to pursue some creative expression has stayed with you, now may be the time to revisit and start again.

You may be worried about becoming side tracked or fear your creativity will not amount to anything.

You may also be someone who already has a creative pursuit but have stalled or don’t seem to be able to get yourself to work at it in the same way you once did.

You may lack motivation or find too many excuses or obstacles in the way, becoming frustrated and discouraged about not moving forward.

If any of these situations applies to you, perhaps now is the time to refocus and make a commitment to your creative pursuit but in a different manner than you have in the past.

One of the first things you can do to get restarted is to make regular time and space for your creative pursuit to begin to revisit what you have done or want to do.

You may also want to reacquaint yourself with your medium in terms of materials, supplies, objects, sounds, visuals, tools, instruments or other means you use to create.

It may be helpful to read about your particular artistic expression or to take a class or reconnect with people in the community who are also involved with the arts.

Another thing to consider is finding a coach to work with on an ongoing basis who can help you with being more accountable to yourself about what you want to create.

In addition, a creativity coach can be a resource for you to explore and manage your ongoing dilemmas that potentially distract or sidetrack you from your endeavors.

As a coach and psychotherapist, I have worked with many people in the arts who have been on the same path as you. They wanted to develop their creativity and move their creative pursuits forward in a meaningful matter.

I have helped people get past their problematic narratives and design a strategy to move things forward by problem-solving related to lifestyle issues, jobs, finances and relationships in the context of how it impacted their time and focus on their creative pursuits.

I have also been side tracked in my own life and by my own narratives regarding my writing, photography, art making, singing and playing music but learned how to refocus and sustain my own creative efforts.

Kinds of People I Most Want to Work with in A Creativity Coaching Relationship

  • People who are creative in some aspects of their life.
  • People who recognize being creative means being open to pursuing your own passions and development.
  • People who recognize that creativity involves both process and outcomes that are the result of sustaining focus and a concerted effort over time despite adversity.
  • Proactive and motivated people committed to moving their creative pursuits forward in a meaningful way.
  • People who recognize the benefits of a collaborative relationship to help them reach their desired outcomes.
  • People who are open to new ideas and ways of doing things.

Creativity Coaching Session Appointments

If you would like to work together related to your issues involving your creative pursuits, contact me by phone at 734-645-5349 or contact me here.

I work with people in person at my office or by phone consultation or skype depending on your availability and location.

I offer sessions for an hour or longer. I also offer sessions for 30 minutes depending on your interests and availability.

I also have Session Packages available to offer a discount and to help you commit to making a concerted effort to working toward your creative pursuits.

Contact me

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